Picturing Power & Privilege
on view online @ UAS from Home
Picturing Power & Privilege is an exhibition of photos and text created by students of Jim O’Donnell, Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Arts Administration, Education, and Policy, enrolled in his class “Visual Culture: Investigating Diversity & Social Justice.”
Terms like “Power,” “Privilege,” “Oppression,” and “Social Justice” are increasingly part of our national discourse, but what do they mean in our daily lives? When do they affect us? Where do they manifest themselves in our lives? How do we understand these ideas? If we are to come to a shared understanding, then we need a shared language—and creating a shared visual language helps us share and discuss these abstract but urgent concepts.
Hybrid Arts Lab is a multi-venue teaching lab that experiments with how art is imagined, made, viewed and understood within physical and digital spaces. Venues include Hopkins Hall Gallery, Stillman Hall Tent, and online @ UAS from Home.