Moving from the Inside/Out
on view at UAS Online
In this virtual workshop, participants explore kinesthetic awareness, creative agency, and nonverbal communication through investigating movement from three perspectives: sensation and internal structural awareness, movement in conversation with environment and movement in collaboration with others. Through guided meditation, short movement phrases and playful creative exercises, participants engage in embodied improvisational practice. Participants are invited to simultaneously engage their scientific perspective, somatic awareness and creative impulses in a dance-based activity to increase sensory awareness, relieve stress and open creative possibility.
This workshop is suitable for individuals of varied movement experience and abilities; all movement may be performed seated or standing.
The workshop’s activities are drawn from the creative research of OSU Dance MFA candidate Laura Neese and colleagues, whose performance work Inside/Out, is featured in Urban Arts Space’s Hybrid Arts Lab. Moving from the Inside/Out and Inside/Out are supported by an Ohio State University Alumni Grant for Graduate Research and Scholarship, and Urban Arts Space.